I heard this message from Rabbi Yissocher Frand quite some time ago, but it's one that really resonates with me.
Prior to detailing all the makkos (plagues) and the eventual Exodus, the Torah details the genealogy of the Children of Israel, beginning with the first 3 tribes - Reuven, Shimon, Levi.
The Shel"ah HaKadosh points out, that in contrast to the first 2 tribes, when the Torah reaches Levi, it lists his sons in order of birth.
Why is that?
The Shel"ah
provides a powerful answer. Our sages tell us that the tribe of Levi
was actually not included in the enslavement. Levi knew prophetically
that his children would not endure any suffering.
that his descendants wouldn't be able to relate to the pain of their
brethren, Levi gave each of his children a name that corresponded or
related somehow to the enslavement.