Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Public Cry for...What Again?

I can't focus, and it stinks.

This wasn't always an issue of mine. Quite the opposite, in fact.

There once was a time when I could read a book for a solid hour straight, eyes never wavering once from the pages. In the days of yore I was able to apply laser-like focus and attention to any task I was assigned.

Not anymore.

I'm not quite sure when I became afflicted with the illness that seems to plague more and more of my generation.

See, I thought I was different. I thought I was part of the "head-up" culture of the pre-smartphone era. I wasn't constantly clicking away from here and there.

(Admit it - how many of you just tried to click those words?).

I don't know when, where, how or why it changed. I don't stare at my phone for hours on end. I don't text often. I almost never take out my phone when having a face-to-face conversation.

I'm not a Facebook user. I don't have an Instagram, Snapchat, Peach, or Tumblr account. I don't spend endless hours scouring feeds, timelines, and whatever other distractions Generation Y has concocted.

In short, I haven't really experienced any of the telltale symptoms of Internet-age ADD.

Yet I still can't focus. In fact, I think I lost track of what I was writing about.

Hang on, I have to Google Peyton Manning's statistics for the Pro Bowl in 2005...oh, interesting article on verbs to use in email headers to increase click-through rate....hmm enticing post about the Iowa caucus...hey, I haven't read that column about segmenting your target markets...oooohhh this looks good...wait, how did I end up on Guy Fieri's blog? I don't even cook, for goodness sake!

It's sad, but this is my reality now. And I'd like for it change.

So consider this a public cry for help.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to whatever it was I was supposed to be...oh, this looks interesting...

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