Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Public Cry for...What Again?

I can't focus, and it stinks.

This wasn't always an issue of mine. Quite the opposite, in fact.

There once was a time when I could read a book for a solid hour straight, eyes never wavering once from the pages. In the days of yore I was able to apply laser-like focus and attention to any task I was assigned.

Not anymore.

I'm not quite sure when I became afflicted with the illness that seems to plague more and more of my generation.

See, I thought I was different. I thought I was part of the "head-up" culture of the pre-smartphone era. I wasn't constantly clicking away from here and there.

(Admit it - how many of you just tried to click those words?).

Just Be You!

Being human is, perhaps, the most critical element to one's online content. Nobody wants to read something written by a robot.

But the ability to convey that human element is hard.

As individuals, we all spend so much time trying to please everyone around us. Pleasing a client. Pleasing the boss.  Pleasing friends and family. As businesses, we're trying to engage, relate and please every living thing that can stare at a screen.

Deep down, we all know pleasing everyone is downright impossible. And the more we try, the more our real tone suffers.

In reality, though, there is a simple way to be more human:

Just be you.

Well, that was certainly profound, no? Let me illustrate the point with a personal example.